Below you will find links to articles and other resources on the topics of insurer and law enforcement use of genetic information from a variety of perspectives. Many of these articles are publicly available, although a handful may be behind paywalls.
Insurer Use of Genetic Information:
NHGRI, Genetic Discrimination (January 2022)
National Institutes of Health information about federal protections regulating health insurer use of genetic information -
Jarrod O. Anderson, Anna C. Lewis & Anya E. Prince, The Problems with Patchwork: State Approaches to Regulating Insurer Use of Genetic Information, 22 DePaul J. Health Care L. (2021)
A 50-state survey (completed in 2021) mapping state regulation of life, long-term care, and disability insurer use of genetic information -
A.C.F. Lewis, R.C. Green, & Anya E.R. Prince, Long-awaited progress in addressing genetic discrimination in the United States, 23 Genetics in Medicine 429 (2021)
An article discussing Florida’s 2020 law barring life, long-term care, and disability insurer use of genetic information -
American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI), Q&A: Life Insurance Companies and Genetic Information
A pamphlet from the ACLI regarding life insurer use of genetic information -
Patricia Born, Genetic Testing in Underwriting: Implications for Life Insurance Markets, Journal of Insurance Regulation (2019)
An article assessing the potential impacts of life insurer use of genetic information -
Genetic Discrimination Observatory
An international collaboration of researchers focused on genetic discrimination -
Gollinghorst, D. et al, Anti-Selection & Genetic Testing in Insurance: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics (2022)
An article interrogating claims of adverse selection if insurers cannot have access to genetic information -
Prince, A.E.R., The Genetic Information Privacy Act: Drawbacks and Limitations, 330 JAMA 2049 (2023)
An article highlighting the limits of the Genetic Information Privacy Act, a model law that many states have passed in an attempt to shore up genetic privacy. -
Kristen V. Brown, Genetic Discrimination is Coming for Us All, The Atlantic (November 12, 2024)
A news article highlighting cases of genetic discrimination by life, long-term care, and disability insurers
Law Enforcement Use of Genetic Information:
Natalie Ram, E.E. Murphy, & S.M. Suter, Regulating forensic genetic genealogy, 373 Science 1444 (2021)
This commentary describes Maryland’s law regulating law enforcement use of genetic information and describes key elements of the law that make it a model for future lawmaking. -
S.M. Suter, E.E. Murphy, & Natalie Ram, Maryland can be a model for regulating law enforcement use of genetic databases, The Washington Post (June 18, 2021)
A newspaper article discussing the recent Maryland law regulating law enforcement use of genetic information.